These are some witnessed scenes from the very first performance with the Portative Organ ......
At "Darkfest Korea Vol.1" ... Club GBN, Seoul ......
2017. 01. 07. ......
2017. 01. 07. ......

The primary image I proudly chose for myself ......

I wore a blank faced mask for this particular performance not distract the audience away from the unique instrument making its debut and let them focus on the purity of the DARK sounds it makes ......

It worked very well with the Portative Organ and I am so glad that I have discovered and aquired it ... hidden and collecting dust for about 25 years in an obscure repair shop at Nakwon market ......

Photo credits : Mike O'Dwyer , Taehee Kim (KORG Korea /"Darksoul Virus") , Persona ( SKALD) ......
Thank you all very much ......
Hail SATAN !!!!!!
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