As a devoted follower of Lucifer ......
Celebrating the date 6th of the 6th month ... on the year 18 ( 6 + 6 + 6 ) ......
I will spread the magic and wisdom of Lucifer through my DARK Organ ... as it was the original intention of Music ... The 1 true Magic in all of the universe ......
And my sounds will be a tribute and dedication for all those who has been brutally tortured and slaid for refusing to become one of the ignorant sheeps as they so tried so hard throughout history ......
I will hold my instrument with DARK passion and play it with Artistic pride ......
I was burnt on a stake before , I am NOT afraid to go through it again ......
And on this Earth , in this lifetime : Until I become a master myself , I shall not stop practicing ......
Hail Lucifer !!!!!!
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